MADE motorsports is the leading seller and distributor of FI exhaust products in the WORLD. We have the most knowledge, experience, and best prices available on these items. Frequency Intelligent Exhaust is a MADE motorsports favorite. We are happy to guide you in the process of ordering these one of a kind, multi feature exhaust systems.
The best way to describe an FI Exhaust design would be to say it is THE gentlemen's exhaust. These valvetronic multi-flow designs have the best of both worlds in terms of quiet and loud, tame and aggressive. Based on valve settings and drive style, you can totally change and control the volume and aggressiveness of your exhaust based on how you drive. Each setting of the valve control and every difference in acceleration adjusts the flow rate and direction, resulting in volume adjustability for a more controlled driving experience.
Whether you're out on open roads in wide open throttle, on a track with decibel limits, or cruising in and out of the neighborhood, there is a setting or an intelligent design to make sure you get the sound and performance you need at that exact time.